The “Agreement for the termination of the conflict and the construction of a stable and lasting peace” was not supported by the majority of the voters in the plebiscite. Although the difference was minimal, and many of those voters were deceived by the lies of the Democratic Center campaign, in a democracy you have to accept the verdict at the ballot box and recognize that this Agreement cannot be implemented. But the citizen clamor in the streets and in the marches demanding the maintenance of the bilateral ceasefire and the signing as soon as possible of a New Agreement, was also an expression of democracy, which Uniandes joined with several activities.
We positioned 30,000 feathers, 980 crysanthemums and 400 helium balloons within a 27 x 17 m area in the central square of the university to write the message. At the end 400 students, professors and administrative staff raised the air balloons for peace in Colombia.

Annelie Franke
Franky Aguilar, Carlos Arcila, Manuela Herrara, Daniela Himelfarb, Laura Pradilla, Maria Camila Ramirez, Elisa Schonwald