After four years of intensive visual research, experiments, exhibitions and lectures the Paradox of Ugliness project concludes with this publication. However, there is a continued interest in questioning, exploring and discovering what lies on the surface and beyond what we consider “beautiful” or “ugly.”
Throughout the years of constant creation around this subject, it has been very important to be able to exchange, compare and share with other people various ways of seeing. Definitely, neither the world nor we remain unchanged after deciding to look with different eyes. In conclusion, and regarding methodology, this project bets on the idea that photography is, besides a way of recording, a way of researching. This exploration has resulted in images that, more than to answers, lead to questions, reflections and representations of experiences. and Non moments present images of an invisible yet existing normality, and show the dissonance between how beautiful we want to be and how ugly we really are—even if it is only for a fleeting moment in the morning, or registered in a millisecond by a camera.
The project’s concept suggests a paradigm shift in the way of looking—going beyond pre-established social constructions of the image in order to find nuances that enrich our visual culture and our way of perceiving the world.

The book was published in March 2016 and presented to a wide audience at the Filbo Book Fair and in the Lerner bookstore in Bogotá. The book was designed by ELMONOCROMO Bogotá and is distributed by EDICIONES UNIANDES and la LIBRERIA SIGLO.

Book Presentation with Jairo Dueñas, director of CROMOS at "Filbo" Book Fair, April 2016.

Book Presentation with Zenaida Osorio at Lerner Bookstore, October 2016.