What do we look like when we get out of bed in the morning or are ready to go to sleep at night?When we have just woken up, are we also newly restored? The images of ourselves freshly risen in the morning show us a completely different truth. These questions, in addition to the impact of seeing one’s own image in the mirror every morning, were the trigger for starting this photographic project that was called Nonstates. These Nonstates refer to those non-photographable moments that are nevertheless super authentic, in which we are very far from our idea of being beautiful (for example, in the morning, or when we are sick, in a bad mood, or tired). These “non-photographable or unwanted” moments seem to be our most unsightly ones: red eyes, messy hair, and puffy face. We are very different from the other one that appears a few minutes after the cup of coffee or after breakfast. We are definitely far away from our idea of being beautiful. We don’t seem necessarily restored; on the contrary, we look unstable.