Based on the theme “POLITICAL PATTERN“, the Challenge's objective was to develop ornamental and decorative designs that in turn convey a relevant socio-political message, in addition to its aesthetic value. Topics that reflect the social and political reality in Colombia, such as corruption, discrimination, forced displacement due to war and violence, among others, were addressed by the students and translated conceptually into designs, which at first glance are beautiful but when looking at them more Up close, that beauty turns out to be something else more significant.
The challenge was to design under pressure, which is very challenging, especially for freshmen and sophomores. Our goal was to guide students through the creation process, keeping them motivated, inspired and focused on their goals, to finally obtain satisfactory results.

The Design Challenge "POLITICAL PATTERN" concluded with the development of printed booklets, which were collected and grouped into a kind of book of more than 88 pages. That made with RISO - a printing technology that influences and It manipulates the visual aesthetics of the images and bears a lot of similarity to screen printing. Inaccuracies, halftone dots, spot color blends, and overlays are some of the possible phenomena with this printing process. The compiled book as well as the sheets and the loose booklets were part of an exhibition, which took place in the Luis Caballero Room of the Department of Architecture for the entire Uniandina community for a week. In total 11 projects were exposed in their different physical representations. The entire process and results were published and disseminated on Designblogs of the Universidad de los Andes and on different social networks.

Annelie Franke & Olivier Arcioli
Daniel Shambo, Manuel Acero, Santiago Gómez, Paula Molina, Juan Carlos Guevara, Valentina Frias, Jessica Tinoco, María Alejandra Castro
Laura Niño, María Angélica Moya, Ana Luna Carreño , Hanna Chiku Kassner
Laura Niño, María Angélica Moya, Ana Luna Carreño , Hanna Chiku Kassner