Universidad de los Andes, 2018

Photographs with a realistic aspect have always had a special effect on people. The medium of photography is presented transparently and satisfies the viewer's need to approach reality. This need is obviously so great that the material existence of the picture disappears and is canceled when viewed. The authenticity of reality is not checked or questioned by the viewer, mainly because we do not see the medium through the image, but only the supposed reality through the image. Wolfgang Tillmans said: “The true authenticity of photographs for me is that they usually manipulate and lie about what is in front of the camera, but never lie about the intentions behind the camera." So what is truth and what is a lie? Does the truth depend on the eye of the beholder or is it an essential aspect of things? How is reality shown with a photo? Can you get the truth out of lies with photography and vice versa? What lies can you use photography to show as true?